Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sterling Fair

My friend Darrell Hyder at Sun Hill Press had printed a few ART SHOW posters for another occasion, and when I paid him a visit last week he gave me one to hang on my tent at the Sterling Fair. It wasn't entirely misleading, as I shared the space with my mother who was selling prints of my grandmother's paintings. Her art work has been featured on Fair t-shirts, buttons and posters, as well as various town publications, for decades. If anyone knows me at all in Sterling it's as Rosemarie's grandson or Heather's son. This year the Sterling Fair gave me the chance to re-introduce myself as an artisan (ARTISAN SHOW?), and I have to say I was cheered by people's response to my work. I met a man whose father worked at the Colonial Press in Clinton, major book printers back in the day, and he remembers his father coming home with errant sorts caught in the cuff of his pant leg. Proud of his high standards to this day, he will occasionally pick up a recently printed book and shake his head in disgust. I can hardly blame him, though I should say I do know where to look for admirable modern book design. Thanks to all those who visited my booth and took the time to have a conversation about printing and lettercarving.

Darrell tried his hand at it while his wife Elisabeth observed.

Meg showing off her skills to her friend Jackie.

 I entered my Welcome sign into the Fair auction on Sunday.

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